If I have a belief that I can do it,
I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it;
even if I have not had that belief in the beginning.
- Mahatma Gandhi -
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality. - John Lennon
For Inquiring Minds : YULE (around DECEMBER 22nd)
also known as: Yuletide, Alban Arthan.
Yule is the time of greatest darkness and the longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice had been associated with the birth of a "Divine King" long before the rise of Christianity. Since the Sun is considered to represent the Male Divinity in many Pagan Traditions, this time is celebrated as the "return of the Sun God" where He is reborn of the Goddess.
Wishing everyone a blessed and Joyful Yule as we celebrate the return of the Sun King.
Phenomenal article and ideas on raised bed gardening. I definitely will be planning on doing this sort of gardening as well as doing more research on the subject.
Raising a flock of chickens will be one of the first projects (besides gardening) at Pagan Acres. Chickens are relatively easy to raise and to take care of. I have raised chickens in the past and my two favorite breeds are Orpingtons and Australorps. They are a heavier breed chicken suitable for cold weather and lay nice brown eggs year round. Buff Orpingtons are my all favorite, they are a beautiful dunnish.yellowish orange color. There is also a Black Orpington and a few other colors as well.
Black Australorp
Black Orpington
Buff Orpington
The Orpingtons were created in 1886 by William Cook in Kent.
It is a heavy breed bird with a short wingspan so it can be contained with low fencing. They do need space to keep fit as they are greedy birds. Our Orpingtons are either black or blue or 'splash' which is a black/blue cross. They are great mothers, and tend to go broody. They lay cream coloured eggs. They weigh in at a heavy 7-8 lbs and take a longer time to mature than other breeds. They are also very docile in nature and become lovely pets.
Raising Chickens for Meat
Raising chickens specifically for the table is different than topping off some old laying hens that are past their use by date.
It is a bit like aging wine - it's all about timing - too young and you're not getting the full potential of the bird - too old and it is past it's best. Birds that are hatched in the spring are usually good for the table or freezer by late summer through Autumn. You don't want to feed them all winter. A lot of the chicken meat on the market today comes from birds that have been grown quickly and killed very young. These birds have often had limited or no access to outside free ranging. Birds that have grown more slowly and wandered around scratching and foraging on a varied diet of grass and grubs as well as chicken feed have an altogether different flavour. In my opinion it is tastier, richer meat. But as with anything, what you put in is what you get out. To produce great birds for your table you need to feed them well and regularly.
If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. It it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
surrounded by such poisoning levels and degree(s) of negativism, self centeredness, greed, Apathy. It's never ending , barriers are weak or non existent, I've no stamina or strength to reinforce them. wanting to create psychic icepicks to stab into peoples brains, is bad for my karma. I walk amongst the Warm sunshine gleaming through the soft pines, treading silently among them in and out of dappled shadows. The scent of fallen pine needles blankets the earth creating a cushion of a silent barrier, sitting silently amongst the trees, bare feet feeling the energy of the earth. Not to far away down the path is a stream of clean of water. Waste deep I am submerged seven times, washing away the worries of each day of the seven days. Standing in the glow of the sun, feeling he heat evaporate the moisture off my skin, taking the negativity with it. warming me, healing rays of light and envelope me. Turning first North, then East, then South, finally West , I offer the sacred smoke of sage and cedar to my brothers. I ask for guidance of the my spirit brothers, to make me stronger, wiser more compassionate, calm. To defeat my greatest enemy, myself. I ask for the strength of courage to make it through one more day.
At the time of death,
When I found there was to be death,
I was very much surprised.
All was failing.
My home, I was sad to leave it.
I have been looking far,
Sending my spirit north, south, east, and west.
Trying to escape death,
But could find nothing,
No way of escape.
~ Luiseno Song
Some new bone Rune Sets coming soon. Deer Toe Necklaces, Hemp Bracelets, and Dream Catchers also in the works. Messing around with the idea of creating a Rune Set based on Sun Bears Medicine Wheel. Using the Animal Totems instead of the typical Futhark Runes. I believe it has potential.
Still on the search for potential land sites. I have found a couple that have a lot of potential and are (relatively) affordable. Donations are now up to $20+. One day at a time. Slow and steady. All the money I make from the sale of artwork, paintings, things I make are going towards this project.
Having a small shrine or altar in your home allows you to focus your spiritual energy, meditate or pray, and communicate with the higher forces. A personal shrine is useful for people of all religions, and serves as a reminder and reassurance to the devout. Shrines are also constructed for holidays, like the Mexican holiday of Dia de los Muertos, to honor deceased family members. A wooden shrine is a classy and conversation-starting element to a home, and you can construct one with some basic materials.
Things You'll Need
Small table
4 butterfly hinges
Paint or stain (matching the table)
Shadow box (optional)
Sacred objects of your choice
Cut a sheet of plywood into three equal-sized panels; these will form the backdrop of your shrine. Paint or stain the plywood so that it matches a small table of your choice. Let dry completely according to the instructions on the paint.
Screw four butterfly hinges onto the plywood panels to allow them to open outward; you're aiming for a finished shape like a child's science fair backdrop. Two hinges on each side of the center panel will add stability to the piece. Set the finished backdrop on the back of your shrine.
Decorate your shrine with sacred objects. Flowers, candles and incense are common to many religions, as are offerings to the gods. If your shrine is meant to honor a specific person or deity, center an image of them in the shrine to focus your spiritual energy.
For more info:
Because ONE day this will be reality. I Occasionally do searches of various loacations for lands/acreage that is undeveloped and relatively affordable as far as land goes. I found this place and it really intriques me, it is in South Central Pennsylvania.
It is described as such :"Secluded hunting camp in Southern Bedford County just north of the Mason Dixon Line. Consisting of a private 8.76 acres and a 16X16 primitive hunting cabin and 2 shed. Great place for rugged weekend getaways."
Sacred Acres Pagan Grove and Labyrinth is not yet a reality.
It someday will be reality. A place where friends can come for reflection, prayer, healing, sacredness, a place to reconnect not only to ones self, but to nature and the sacredness of life no matter what path you follow in life. A place for and of Art and The Process of Creation and artistic endeavors. A place where dreams manifest and reveal themselves. A place like no other. Many ideas are in the works to make this dream a reality.
First off is finding the correct location and the funding to purchase land. Donations are being accepted, and any amount you would be willing to donate would be immensely appreciated. Connect with me on Facebook if you like, A Paypal account or some sort of account will be set up for donations. In the meanwhile I can also be reached at Skookyartist@yahoo.com.
Many of the ideas are as such time preliminary, there will be a sacred grove, a labyrinth/maze for meditation, memorial trees, workshops and seminars. Camping, Weddings, Handfasting Ceremonies, Pagan Festivals and ceremonies. Gardens, horticulture, the preservation of nature are and is of great importance, self sustainability with as little impact on nature and the environment as possible by using solar, wind and other forms of energy. Reclaiming, Reusing, Recycling, Reducing. Less is More.
Woodland dreams of intuition come with the graceful deer.
I greet you, brothers of the forest.
Your gift of magic will brighten my life.
Transformation will come to me.
Like you, I stand listening to the drum beat of life,
Poised to follow my guiding spirits.
This is a set of Runes I made from some deer bone ribs that I found while out on a walk at a local nature park. I've never been very good at reading or casting stones but it is something I have always wanted to learn. Even if I am not very proficient at interpreting a casting, I am learning the meanings of the Runes and learning to apply a Rune a Day drawing to my daily life.
I ask myself everyday.. "What can I do today to make my Life Magickal ?"
Trying to decide to change the direction of the way things are going, Or rather not going. cause well, things are not going at all. There's and idea I have, my belief in this idea is strong, but... there's not many (if any)people I know that truly think such a thing is possible. Yea yea yea, I hear all the time. "I would if I could". So it's pretty much an idea all my own and despite the fact that I hear that these people are interested in joining this idea. Once it is complete, with no help to make it a reality. Lost my train of thought on this other than I get very frustrated at times contemplating and trying to figure out how to make this idea a reality. Enough about that rant.
Direction I am considering taking this blog. My philosophy of Less is more, make what you need or make do. Posting the ideas that I have, beliefs, philosophies, observations, and a lot of the "primitive", "simple" ways of living. self sufficiency web links, files, e-books and other interesting alternative ways of living life.
My feet and toes are slowly getting better. Probably going to end up losing a toenail or two. oh well. Hopefully, I can get out to resupply very soon, new shoes are definitely in order as well as possibly a new tent. The weather has been very uncooperative here lately in Ohio(and most of the midwest). I think it has rained pretty much every day but one or two since I came back. Feels like it at least. The rain, gloominess and cold has been fairly depressing overall. Been doing some more searching, thinking how cool it'd be to find someone to go along with me on this craziness. No luck yet on that and not looking likely. Being complacent and idle leaves me feeling unproductive. Not a good thing.
Perhaps I am over idealistic and not enough realistic in my endeavors. I keep thinking typical is redundant. A few crazy dreams lately.
Ugh, So, I had to use a lifeline, I'm back in Ohio letting my bloody infected toes heal up. Not so proud of this, rather disappointed in myself at the moment.
A total of about 150 miles traveled (according to google maps), Pretty sure I walked more actual miles than that cause of route changes and back tracking.
It was a wondeful, learning expedition, a few modifications are in order and I'll hopefully be back on the road in no time at all. It was incredible, was a very difficult decision to NOT keep on going and I have no regrets.
I made it to Tipton, Indiana today, was only about 10 miles and the weather was cold and very windy. Pastor Mark was gracious enough to get me a room at the Easy Street Inn, here in Tipton, I am so grateful and feel so blessed for all of the great people I have met so far. especially this week. Its been phenomenal and so hard to express in words what the heart and soul feels. Even the smallest of gestures feel immense, a warm cup of coffee along the highway !! Thank You awesome young couple on St Rd 28 and 213 !! Special special Thanks to Tara and Abe in Elwood for allowing me to hang out, for dinner and a dry safe place to sleep, the storms last night were phenomenal and I feel blessed to have met you both. Truly inspiring People all along the way. So many people and face and names, I try to write them down and remember faces. Its very emotional for me all the nice things that have happened to me so far, and I have a very long way to go yet.St Rd 28 across Indiana has so far been an enlightening experience, more people should take the slow route through the heart of Indiana, truly experience it and meet the people.
I was interviewed today by The Elwood call- Leader and the Tipton Tribune. Its kind of embarassing cause I'm just an average guy doing something that I need to do. I'm not special in any way.
Have much to write about and such. I am not having the time to post regular blog updates. I will be copying my journal entries as soon as I get the time... hoping you find it interesting.
I had to leave my best Friend Spooky behind today. My heart is heavy with sadness. I was optimistic and perhaps too hopeful in thinking that he would be able to go along with me on my journey. It is going to be rough going on without him but I will trudge onward. I was looking forward to the companionship and I'm going to miss my Spooky Dog. In a way, he is the last link to my former life. I realize this is all for the best for Spooky and I shouldn't be so selfish. I'll miss him. I have comfort in knowing that he is in a good home where he will be loved and taken care of. Most likely, better care than I would be able to give him.
It's been a week since I started this walking stuff. I haven't gotten very far yet because of technical difficulties. This isn't really a bad thing tho. Better to have problems close to home and be able to have friends and family help you out than to go it alone. I got a new cart, I ordered a jogging stroller, took off all the non essential parts and added new essential parts and braces, supports and such. It's freaking awesome ! It rolls like a dream. Very little effort involved in pushing it around (so far). I made it to my sisters house today, it was another relatively short walk today, a little over 9 miles and it only took about 3 hours including break time for my Spooky Dog. My brother stopped by to see me as well. Please try not to worry about my to much.
When I started out the weather was very overcast and dreary as it had been raining all morning. I finally set out around 3:30 pm once it started to clear up. After about an hour the sun finally came out and it was absolutely beautiful walking weather. I saw Heron flying towards the west today, a good sign to follow. I also saw a garter snake out basking in the awesomeness of the sun. Other than that it was pretty uneventful walk. I'll be spending at least one night here at my sisters and I will figure out tomorrow which route to take from here. South to stop and see my friend Amber or due west to The Open Road .....
Goodbyes shouldn't be so hard to do. I want my family and friends to be happy for me, to celebrate me and what I am doing. No worrying or sadness please.
I read the following in a childrens book the other day and its one of those kind of things that will probably be with me the rest of my days.
Girl: "Goldie (the unicorn) where are you ? , Have you become ONE with the Universe ?"
Sunday was a really nice day. It was nice and sunny but a little windy out. Walked 10 miles from Pleasant Hill to Bradford to spend some time with great friends David and Sara and there kids. David walked the 4 hour walk with me and it was nice to have him along to talk to. He got a little (maybe more than that) sunburn, and sore feet out of it. We arrived in Bradford, had an awesome home cooked meal of Fried chicken, mashed potatos and gravy, and my favorite... sugar snap peas... yummy. After dinner we hung out playing board games, talking, chilling. My other great friend Beau stopped by as did Zac. It was an awesome time.
Took a few pictures along the way. My greatest observation of the day was the fields. They are all dead. Being springtime you would expect little signs of green things growing, and mostly little green things are starting to grow pretty much everywhere EXCEPT the fields. They are barren without a sign of life, thanks to chemical pesticides and herbicides, nothing seems to want to live there. Its an alien landscape and until now I never paid much attention to the fields before they have been planted. The Other funny thing was the yellow airplane noise clackety things. In a couple miles I counted 9 of them in total, all yellow except the last one just outside of town, it was red.
Today did not go as planned. I seriously need to rethink and possibly redo the whole wagon thing. Plus, I did not sleep well last night, I kept waking every hour or so. Wasn't nerves, or anxiety or anything like that, simply put, something wasn't right, it felt evil and sinister (and that is all I have to say about that).
I love my family, Not for what they do for me or anything like that, I know they love me and worry about me and my well being. They go out of there way to help me even when I probably do not deserve it.
Anyways, rough day today, got to where I needed to be. The weather was pretty nice most of the day, 50's or so started getting windy and chilly later in the afternoon and eventually it started raining. No pictures tho. Have a few things to do tomorrow which is Saturday.(maybe some pictures) then I will be hitting the road on Sunday.
Wish I had more to say, as time goes on, I'm pretty sure that I will.
Remember, an act of kindness can never be replaced... just a thought.
Less than 24 hours to go !! yesterday I spent most of the day taking stuff to goodwill to get rid of. It's amazing how many things a person can accumulate. I've discovered, if you don't have things to put things in, you don't accumulate as much. Strange how and entire business of "organization" has developed to help people keep so many things tucked away out of sight, and .... out of use.
Anyways, repacked the wagon and backpack today. Once again things get lighter. This is a very good thing !!A few odds and ends to finish up today and I'll be all set to leave. I'm so excited and so nervous at the same time. Everyday is going to be a WHAT IF ? My biggest fear is my wagon will crap out on me before I even get relatively close to where I need to be.
I have been receiving quite a few emails thanks to everyone wishing me a safe journey. Your prayers and thoughts are much appreciated and do a lot for my motivation.
My first couple of days walking will be relatively short. 12 miles a day as I am stopping off at friends on my way out of Ohio.This will give me a chance to figure a few things out, wieght distribution and such. Plus, I am in no big hurry to get anywhere in particular, just in a hurry to get started !!
The weather looks to be fairly decent for the first week as well. A slight chance of rain here and there but all I can do is get used to it.
I'll try to have some pictures and such of my first day walking up on Saturday. The good thing about staying at friends the first couple of days is I will have internet access. After that, it may be awhile before I post any updates.
Something phenomenal happened to me Sunday evening. An event that does indeed inspire me to keep me going and to reinforce to me that the ideas of HOPE, sincerity, and honesty still exists in todays world. No surprise that it came from a darling child. It is amazing how the innocence of youth, of being a child, the sincerity of it all is Essence of Life. A total representation of the goodness that every person has, that they are, that they were. I ask myself why or how is that lost as we grow up, as we mature into adults?
The story is.
I arrived at my friends house (Dave and Sara)to hang out and have a good time, it was game night for us. I arrive with my friend Beau and as I am walking up to the house, The darlingest little girl comes skipping up to me and says "Jeff, I want you to have this.." she hands me a dollar coin I say "Aww thank you, but you should keep your dollar sweety." she says, "No, I want you to have it because you don't have a home or any family." Well, a little later I find out that at church that day, each child was given a dollar coin to give to someone that they felt needed it. She had chosen me and I felt so honored, again blessed by the simplest, honest gesture of kindness. Being me, I start to get that choked up, going to cry start feeling. Sometimes I feel so sensitive, raw and open This is not a bad thing I suppose.
Anyways, this simple gesture totally touched me I will keep this coin as a reminder that there is still hope in the world. I will keep it until I happen upon someone on my journey that needs a little HOPE in there life, and I will pass it on. Thinking about this last night and today reminded me of a book I read a couple years ago that I still have called "Hope For The Flowers" by Trina Paulus. I still have this book and I am going to read it again before I leave. I will also pass this book on before I leave. It is an inspirational Book that everyone should read. Go buy a copy of it, read it, and pass it on to a friend or someone you know.
I have had this for awhile but forget where I found it. I didn't write it. It's one of my favorites and at this particular point in time it felt exactly right. So I am sharing. I hope it brings someone as much comfort as it does me.
Prayer to the Four Directions
Great Spirit of Light,
come to me out of the East (red)
...with the power of the rising sun.
Let there be light in my words,
let there be light on my path that I walk.
Let me remember always
that you give the gift of a new day.
And never let me be burdened with sorrow
by not starting over again.
Great Spirit of Love,
come to me with the power of the North (white).
Make me courageous when the cold wind falls upon me.
Give me strength and endurance
for everything that is harsh,
everything that hurts,
everything that makes me squint.
Let me move through life
ready to take what comes from the north.
Great Life-Giving Spirit,
I face the West (black),
the direction of sundown.
Let me remember everyday that the moment will come
when my sun will go down.
Never let me forget that I must fade into you.
Give me a beautiful color,
give me a great sky for setting,
so that when it is my time to meet you,
I can come with glory.
Great Spirit of Creation,
send me the warm and soothing winds from the South (yellow).
Comfort me and caress me when I am tired and cold.
Unfold me like the gentle breezes
that unfold the leaves on the trees.
As you give to all the earth your warm, moving wind,
give to me,
so that I may grow close to you in warmth.
The One major thing about me and walking across the country is that I do not know where it'll end. Once I hit the road, there is no turning back because I have nowhere to return to. There is no turning around and going home because home does not exist for me. It hasn't for a long time now. Yes, I have had a place to live and I am very grateful for my friend to let me stay here because without that I would have been out on the road last fall. Actually tho, that might not have been such a bad thing because it's entirely possible I would be where I need to be and may have found what it is I do need to find. I don't exactly know what I am looking for, because it is a multitude of things that seem to be lacking in my life at the moment.
I feel truly blessed to have such supporting friends.
The thing is, I suck at good byes. I'll cry. I know I will. I get that lump in my throat really sad feeling just thinking about saying goodbye to my friends. They are all I have. I feel blessed because of them. There is no turning back now. No possible way that I cannot do this. I have no choice.
I walk the path the universe lays before me.
So where does it all end ? I wish I knew, I really do. All I can say is it will end when it ends. The only other alternative is I die out on the road somewhere, and if so, then that is what is meant to be and it will be over.
I walk the path the universe lays before me.
Once again, I will dance reverently with feed to the ground to the heartbeat of Mother Earth.
Double checking my gear and supplies. It's a slippery slope. With limited funds and all the more I take with me the less I'll have to acquire later. But, at the same time, my little chuck wagon is only so big and the less I have to take the better.
I break it down into 3 categories the Need List, the Might Need List and the nice to have but not really necessary list.
It frustrates me.
Letting Go is Hard.
Having to stay here is would be even harder.
I find it amusing at some things I read about people walking across the country.
I just don't know about most things. Lately I have been thinking how nice it would be to UNLEARN things, to unknow people, Micro laser technology sure would be nice to be able to get into that brain case and cauterize away some things. Ignorance is bliss ?
The empty soul consumes itself. I call it cannibalism.
I'm not a very articulate writer. I tend to use short statements that may or may not ramble on in a run on sentence.
Now that's cleared up...
I've been busy mapping my route, again, still and over again. My original estimate of 45 days to travel from Eastern Ohio to Devils Tower, Wyoming was pretty..ummmmm ambitious perhaps. Double checking and I'm guessing closer to 60 days, maybe as many as 75. I've been using google maps, I have been estimation a low of 20 miles per day traveling. Depending on weather, getting tired and breaks, I imagined it to start with a lower more practical number. This way, when I actually manage 25 to 30 miles a day I'll be impressed. Not really impressed but that kind of feel good about yourself feeling.
So the mapping has gone really well until I hit western South Dakota near The Badlands National Park, The Black Hills, etc. There's just no easy way around it, or I should say through it. At least not by walking. Seems as if a road wanders around hither and thither then suddenly ends. Given the sparseness of people and all the stuff people feel the need to have around them and harshness of the terrain, it is going to be pretty daunting. My biggest concern is water. and bigfoot, well not really bigfoot, you know. too funny.
So yea, I believe that'll be one of the greater challenges, the South Dakota part.
It'd be nice to have another person or two come along with me. As much as I'd like to see it happen, I am pretty sure it will not happen. Quite a few friends and people say they wish they could do this. Walk across America. I tell them... "You can do it, you choose not to." We all have a certain amount of choice in our lives and we choose what we choose based on priorities. The truth of the matter is in my opinion is that people are shackled down by all there stuff. It reminds me of the "Junk Lady" in the movie Labyrinth starring David Bowie. Treasures and so so much important stuff. It is all weight we carry, not only physically but spiritually. It seems as if sometimes people make up for that emptiness, lack of spirituality by owning stuff. the physical.
OK enough rambling.
summing it all up...
mapping is going good overall.
Want traveling companions. oh well . . .
In a perfect world I'd live in a small cabin surrounded by nature, trees, hills and such . . .
yea, I'm looking for a decent background, I'd prefer something with a moon and stars, kind of a spacey galaxy cosmo kind of thing. It's gonna change and change and change.
still haven't found what I'm looking for.
keep looking
Yes, I think its thursday therefore it is thursday. I've been looking at maps the last couple days and it's beginning to feel a bit overwhelming. This way, that way, sideways, upways, byways, someways. My original thought of route was to take me mostly north then head west. Then I thought, well, I could save some days by just going mostly northwest. Then, ( sigh ) again I thought, hmmmm this American Discovery Trail thing is kind of cool. Then after checking all of that out. It's like up down all around and if I stay on it leaves me south , by a good many miles, from where I intend on going, which is Devils Tower in Wyoming. So, it's as if I don't want to even bother mapping this thing out. I just want to go. It's not like I have to go a certain way this way or that way. I have no definite timetable. I'll get as far as I get as fast as I get there. Right ?
I've been second guessing myself ( again ) on the wagon dilemma. I love my wagon, He's very charming. However, from experience I know thjat it is easier to push things than it is to pull things. I'd absolutely love to happen upon a cool jogging stroller to convert such as this. I been checking craigslist but even the few on there in my immediate area is out of my price range. Just so you know I absolutely LOVE free. Alas, life is not always so. So, wagon it seems to be unless someone out there has a free cool jogging stroller to give me. Then there's my gear list. Been going over it, I have everything I need pretty much except for a few things I's like to have. A working mp3 player would be cool, a gps (kind of cool but not really important). I have thought about taking a bigger tent, I have a small 2 person tent I am taking but have been considering getting a tad bit bigger small 3 person tent. Again, maybe useful but not so important. What else.... pepper spray, bike lock for my wagon, single burner propane stove, Maybe a new backpack. I don't intend on wearing a backpack because I have a wagon for that right ? Well, my opinion is to have a decent backpack that will carry the things I really really need in case CHUCK ever gives up the ghost and breaks down on me beyond repair. I've still ben checking into solar chargers as well for the few electronics I do plan on taking. I know the phone is coming along, still undecided on the laptop. It'd be nice to find a spot to upload pics and such on at least a kind of regular basis.
Anyways, getting closer to closer to walking away. Life is Life. scream, it's ok, people need to scream more often. It's cathartic.
A couple of observations:
1. Blogs are blogged by cute perfect families that insist on telling every cute detail of there lives.
2. Blogs are blogged by photographers.
3.Blogs are blogged in languages I can't read.
p.s. I'm not very objective, jaded perhaps, but not very objective at the moment.
p.s.s. I found my maps and road atlas. that makes me happy.
p.s.s.s. I have been working on "mapping" and checking out The American Discovery Trail... it's a pretty cool concept. too bad the maps aren't free.
1 final thing a quote from a movie I watched the other night on netflix, I forget the title of it.
"Rejecting great things does not make you noble, it makes you stupid and naive"
My friend Sarah shared this link with me (Thanks Sarah ! ), so I thought I would share it here as well. It is about a guy named Bob, a wagon, and his horses, traveling across the country. Heres a link on Yahoo news about him
I thought this was pretty cool so I am sharing it here.
A time comes in your life when you finally get it…when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out
Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on. And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and begin to look at the world through new eyes.
This is your awakening.
You realize it’s time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change…or for happiness, safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. You come to terms with the fact that neither of you is Prince Charming or Cinderella and that in the real world there aren’t always fairy tale endings (or beginnings for that matter) and that any guarantee of “happily ever after” must begin with you…and in the process a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.
You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and that not everyone will always love, appreciate or approve of who or what you are… and that’s OK. They are entitled to their own views and opinions.
And you learn the importance of loving and championing yourself…and in the process a sense of new found confidence is born of self-approval.
You now stop complaining and blaming other people for the things they did to you (or didn’t do for you) and you learn that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected.
Little Green Wagon
Roll gently over bumpy roads
may your axles never wear out.
stay sturdy and strong
in adversity and bad weather
may your tires never wear thin.
roll with me through
thick and thin
I have faith in you
my Little Green Friend
I bless and christen thee
grant me the ability to be alone,
may it be my custom to go outdoors each day
among the trees and grasses,
among all growing things
and there may i be alone, ...and enter into prayer
to talk to the one
that i belong to.
Snow covered at the moment. Here it is, my little green wagon. I painted on it last summer. My original plan was to leave the beginning of last summer for this walk. I was talked out of it by family and friends. I should have just done it.
My Little Green Wagon
I plan on adding a little flag pole on the back of it. I'd love to have a Gadsden Flag to fly from it. I also need to repaint the moons on the back of it before I hit the road. I modified it by adding the bigger lawnmower tires on the back, it makes it easier to pull. I fear that my little green wagon will not make it as far or as long as I need it to.
On another note, here are some links to people that have done similar things before or currently. I've had some friends suggest to me such things as sponsors and such. I feel as if I had "sponsors" I'd be doing this for them and not for my self. Another idea was a documentary type video thingy and stuff. I don't see that happening, I don't have a video camera, no money to buy a video camera, or anyone brave enough to go along to video tape such an endeavor. Then there is always the problem of keeping things charged up, electricity, internet access. Last summer I did a lot of walking, usually 5 - 10 miles a day. Not once did I see modem, router, or such to plug into. I have looked into Solar Battery Chargers for laptops and electronic devices. I can't afford one of those either.
I love reading. I Love Books. I have way to many books. They are my friends. There's something about just chilling out reading, maybe some music playing in the background, No TV, maybe some hot herbal tea... it's Magical.
Anyways, thought I'd share this link with any fellow readers that stumble across here. It's a site called Paperback Swap Its free to sign up and a great place to find books you love or would like to read. I have been a member of the site for a couple years now and it's an affordable way to find a book that you really want but could not afford. Tell them skookyartist@yahoo.com sent you. Books are awesome. Hope you enjoy the site as much as I have.
Busy going over things and going through sorting stuff, what to take what not to take with me. Threw away a bunch of things today
Too many lists.
Stuff creates burden.
I feel overwhelmed. Damn near panicked feeling. Tension is horrible. Feeling unwelcome is the worst of all.
I wish it was warmer out so I could just get up and go while I have the conviction.
Breathe in Breathe Out ... Calm, I am Calm
I turn to my book to read a prayer.
Strong In Spirit
Make me strong in spirit Courageous in action Gentle of heart Let me act in wisdom Conquer my fear and doubt Discover my own hidden gifts and talents Meet others with compassion Be a source of healing energies and face each day with hope and joy
I'm working on getting the final things done and ready for my adventure. A few things I still would like to have to take with me and many many things to get rid of before I go. I'm at the point in my life where stuff is just stuff. I need the sort of things that don't have a monetary value or can't be purchased at a local Wal Mart.
The sort of moments, ideas, concepts and experiences that feed the soul. That's what I'm after, that's what I need.
So yea, I will be leaving April 1st or thereabouts depending on Mother Natures cooperation and blessings, and walking with my little green wagon heading west. Excited and a tad bit frightened at the same time.