
Monday, March 21, 2011

Where's it all end ?

The One major thing about me and walking across the country is that I do not know where it'll end. Once I hit the road, there is no turning back because I have nowhere to return to. There is no turning around and going home because home does not exist for me. It hasn't for a long time now. Yes, I have had a place to live and I am very grateful for my friend to let me stay here because without that I would have been out on the road last fall. Actually tho, that might not have been such a bad thing because it's entirely possible I would be where I need to be and may have found what it is I do need to find. I don't exactly know what I am looking for, because it is a multitude of things that seem to be lacking in my life at the moment.

I feel truly blessed to have such supporting friends.
The thing is, I suck at good byes. I'll cry. I know I will. I get that lump in my throat really sad feeling just thinking about saying goodbye to my friends. They are all I have. I feel blessed because of them. There is no turning back now. No possible way that I cannot do this. I have no choice.

I walk the path the universe lays before me.

So where does it all end ? I wish I knew, I really do. All I can say is it will end when it ends. The only other alternative is I die out on the road somewhere, and if so, then that is what is meant to be and it will be over.

I walk the path the universe lays before me.

Once again, I will dance reverently with feed to the ground to the heartbeat of Mother Earth.

I walk the path the universe lays before me.

Be Safe