
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Little Green wagon

   Snow covered at the moment. Here it is, my little green wagon. I painted on it last summer. My original plan was to leave the beginning of last summer for this walk. I was talked out of it by family and friends. I should have just done it.

My Little Green Wagon

   I plan on adding a little flag pole on the back of it. I'd love to have a Gadsden Flag to fly from it. I also need to repaint the moons on the back of it before I hit the road. I modified it by adding the bigger lawnmower tires on the back, it makes it easier to pull. I fear that my little green wagon will not make it as far or as long as I need it to.

   On another note, here are some links to people that have done similar things before or currently. I've had some friends suggest to me such things as sponsors and such. I feel as if I had "sponsors" I'd be doing this for them and not for my self. Another idea was a documentary type video thingy and stuff. I don't see that happening, I don't have a video camera, no money to buy a video camera, or anyone brave enough to go along to video tape such an endeavor. Then there is always the problem of keeping things charged up, electricity, internet access. Last summer I did a lot of walking, usually 5 - 10 miles a day. Not once did I see  modem, router, or such to plug into. I have looked into Solar Battery Chargers for laptops and electronic devices. I can't afford one of those either.

Anyways - here are the links to Walkers and Such

I'm Just Walking
Gary "walkingman" Hause
Rickshaw Road Trip
The Fat Man Walking dot com
Nate Walks America
Wikipedia list of People who have walked Across America

Be Safe