
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pagan Acres Sacred Grove & Labyrinth

Sacred Acres Pagan Grove and Labyrinth is not yet a reality. 

    It someday will be reality. A place where friends can come for reflection, prayer, healing, sacredness, a place to reconnect not only to ones self, but to nature and the sacredness of life no matter what path you follow in life. A place for and of Art and The Process of Creation and artistic endeavors. A place where dreams manifest and reveal themselves. A place like no other. Many ideas are in the works to make this dream a reality. 

   First off is finding the correct location and the funding to purchase land. Donations are being accepted, and any amount you would be willing to donate would be immensely appreciated. Connect with me on Facebook if you like, A Paypal account or some sort of account will be set up for donations. In the meanwhile I can also be reached at 

   Many of the ideas are as such time preliminary, there will be a sacred grove, a labyrinth/maze for meditation, memorial trees, workshops and seminars. Camping, Weddings, Handfasting Ceremonies, Pagan Festivals and ceremonies. Gardens, horticulture, the preservation of nature are and is of great importance, self sustainability with as little impact on nature and the environment as possible by using solar, wind and other forms of energy. Reclaiming, Reusing, Recycling, Reducing. Less is More.

Woodland dreams of intuition come with the graceful deer.
I greet you, brothers of the forest.
Your gift of magic will brighten my life.
Transformation will come to me.
Like you, I stand listening to the drum beat of life,
Poised to follow my guiding spirits.