
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Strange Day

Busy going over things and going through sorting stuff, what to take what not to take with me. Threw away a bunch of things today

Too many lists.

Stuff creates burden.


I feel overwhelmed. Damn near panicked feeling. Tension is horrible. Feeling unwelcome is the worst of all.

I wish it was warmer out so I could just get up and go while I have the conviction.

Breathe in Breathe Out ... Calm, I am Calm

I turn to my book to read a prayer.

Strong In Spirit

Make me strong in spirit
Courageous in action
Gentle of heart
Let me act in wisdom
Conquer my fear and doubt
Discover my own hidden gifts and talents
Meet others with compassion
Be a source of healing energies
and face each day with hope and joy

It always helps me to feel better.

Ideas, comments, suggestions appreciated.

Be Safe