
Monday, January 16, 2012

Medicine Card : Lizard , Recipes, Indoor Container Gardening, Recipes . . . and stuff

Day 3: Medicine Card : Lizard ( Dreaming, Intuition, Psychic, Perceptive) - here's a link to a pdf of the original Medicine card ~ click here - LIZARD

Other News: started some indoor plants from seeds. I have been looking up container gardens, and gardening in general. I planted some Chives, Dill, Peppers, Leaf Lettuce, Pole Beans. and some kind of unkown fruit/veggie thing. I don't even know what the last one is, I have never seen them before and I'm not even sure if it is edible. It was definetly interesting, it is a green (kind of green tomato green) aboutthe size of a Roma tomato and had a kind of apply citrusy smell. I have no idea what it is, or, if it will even grow but I'm giving it a go. Once things start sprouting and doing something I will start taking pictures of them to help record the process. I'm no stranger to gardening so it should go well.

Today I also looked up some more  easy peazy bread recipes to bake, Tomatillo salsa recipes and Veggie Dip recipes. I am going for the herbal, healthy kind of recipes that uses basic, no frills ingredients that I can make or have little to no artificial-ness to them. Remember to just say no to GMO's --- Down with Monsanto !!

Be Safe, Peace, Bright Blessings- Jeff