
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Medicine Card : Duck, and other things !

DAY 2 : Medicine card - DUCK: (Emotional Calmness, Protection, Family.) Water: Feminine. Duck teaches getting in touch with your deepest emotions in order to reach a calmer state. Duck is family oriented and enjoys companionship. When Duck appears it is time to return to your roots and spend time with your clan, tribe, family. They serve to you how to maneuver through various waters of life calmly and serenely.

I traded in some old gaming books (D&D and such) at the local Book Store, which is one of my favorite places to go. As I continue culling my collection and continue to work on building a well rounded library for research purposes and information that will be handy on starting a homestead and other esoteric information. I picked up:
The Complete Book Of Herbs by Lesley Bremness
Readers Digesr Family Guide to Natural Medicine
A Witches Book of Divination by Callia Underhill
A Cherokee Feast of Days - Daily Meditations by Joyce Sequichie Hifler
Kids Places to Play - actually a book on building play houses and such for kids but has nice plans for small buildings to be used for bunk house, coops, sheds, etc. some pretty creative ideas that may be useful.

I made one of the recipes out of the Herb Book, Sweet Rosemary Bread: delicious !!!!!

 Simple, easy, readily available ingredients, nothing fancy but is definitely a recipe to make again, and again, and again. yum!!
Rosemary Sweet Bread !

Peace, Be Safe, Bright Blessings ~ Jeff