Osophy = Belief or Doctrine, Study of
At least that is what I learned in college. I majored in Fine Arts (painting) but actually was more like a degree of Isms and Osophies, aka The Humanities. I pretty much took every Humanities class I could, and even tried some Independent Studies that weren't offered. Knowledge is Power!
So, lately I have been working on some new projects and research on all kinds of things. My latest project is once again more research and learning of Animal Totems, Guides, Spirits, etc. I have been reading CIRCLE OF SHAMAN by Karen Berggmen. Which has led me to an understanding of sorts of the way and why things have happened to me (in the past) that at the time I truly didn't understand. The signs and signals that were there that I totally failed to see or didn't realize what they were or why they were and what they were trying to teach me. It allowed me an opportunity to re examine my Self, these events and my actions, reactions to life at those points in time. Hopefully allowing me to learn from those experiences.
So I have been looking, researching all sorts of things related to animal totems and such. I have had a copy of ANIMAL SPEAK by Ted Andrews for a number of years now, it's top notch and anyone remotely interested in animal totems, guides etc. should definitely check it out.
In addition, he has written several other books, NATURE SPEAK, ANIMAL WISE, etc. do a search and you can find pretty much everything he has written about. TED ANDREWS
So reading this book I again came across the mention of MEDICINE CARDS, sort of a tarot deck but dealing with animal totems and guides. It comes with a book explaining all such things that might need to be known, the meanings of the cards, different types of reading spreads, medicine wheel information etc. etc.
It is definetly worth looking into if you have a more serious interest in Animal Totems and Guides. I believe the newer edition comes with a set of 52 animal totem cards, where as the original came with 44 and 8 blank cards. Correct me if I am wrong on this. I am going on the information I found on the internet and we all know how reliable that can be. - not.
"Important messages are often revealed over time"
- Circle Of Shaman
So daily I will be drawing a single card to contemplate. I will also be drawing a weekly card to see how this affects my week. So most of my cards are blank, having only the name and brief meaning on the front and a detailed description written on the reverse side. I have them in card sleeves (the kind made for gaming cards) so they can be slid out and the back side read.
Day 1: Vulture (Air) (Turkey Buzzard, Buzzard) - Elimination, Release. "Vulture teaches us to eliminate the things in our lives that are no longer productive or that do not promote our Highest good, or potential. (people, possessions, old hurts, out dated values, unproductive behavior). Vulture represents Purification, Death and Rebirth, New Vision. Vulture soars above the mundane(profane) into the spiritual (sacred)."
I don't have access to a scanner, so here is a picture I have taken of the first card, I will try to take pictures of the Totem Cards as I make them, draw them, use them, etc. I also have a pretty cool idea for making a medicine wheel board to do card readings on. More on this as it develops.
Peace, Be Safe, and Bright Blessings.
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