
Monday, December 19, 2011

Blessed Yule

For Inquiring Minds : YULE (around DECEMBER 22nd)
also known as: Yuletide, Alban Arthan.

Yule is the time of greatest darkness and the longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice had been associated with the birth of a "Divine King" long before the rise of Christianity. Since the Sun is considered to represent the Male Divinity in many Pagan Traditions, this time is celebrated as the "return of the Sun God" where He is reborn of the Goddess.
Wishing everyone a blessed and Joyful Yule as we celebrate the return of the Sun King.

Mithra Lord Of Ages

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

raised garden beds: hugelkultur

Phenomenal article and ideas on raised bed gardening. I definitely will be planning on doing this sort of gardening as well as doing more research on the subject.


Raising Chickens

Raising a flock of chickens will be one of the first projects (besides gardening) at Pagan Acres. Chickens are relatively easy to raise and to take care of. I have raised chickens in the past and my two favorite breeds are Orpingtons and Australorps. They are a heavier breed chicken suitable for cold weather and lay nice brown eggs year round.  Buff Orpingtons are my all favorite, they are a beautiful dunnish.yellowish orange color. There is also a Black Orpington and a few other colors as well.

Black Australorp

Black Orpington

Buff Orpington

The Orpingtons were created in 1886 by William Cook in Kent.
It is a heavy breed bird with a short wingspan so it can be contained with low fencing.  They do need space to keep fit as they are greedy birds.
Our Orpingtons are either black or blue or 'splash' which is a black/blue cross.
They are great mothers, and tend to go broody.  They lay cream coloured eggs.   They weigh in at a heavy 7-8 lbs and take a longer time to mature than other breeds.
They are also very docile in nature and become lovely pets.

 Raising Chickens for Meat
Raising chickens specifically for the table is different than topping off some old laying hens that are past their use by date.
It is a bit like aging wine - it's all about timing - too young and you're not getting the full potential of the bird - too old and it is past it's best.   Birds that are hatched in the spring are usually good for the table or freezer by late summer through Autumn.   You don't want to feed them all winter.
A lot of the chicken meat on the market today comes from birds that have been grown quickly and killed very young.  These birds have often had limited or no access to outside free ranging.
Birds that have grown more slowly and wandered around scratching and foraging on a varied diet of grass and grubs as well as chicken feed have an altogether different flavour. In my opinion it is tastier, richer meat.
But as with anything, what you put in is what you get out.   To produce great birds for your table you need to feed them well and regularly.   

 The Chicken Center
 Murry McMurry Hatchery

Monday, December 12, 2011

Deer Toe (bone) Necklaces

2 new necklaces I made that are up for sale :

24" beaded Necklace with Deer Toe (bone) $15 + S&H
 Close up

18" Hemp 5 strand weave Deer Toe (bone) Necklace

close up of 18" 5 strand Hemp Weave Deer Toe (Bone) Necklace ~~$10 + S&H

All proceeds from the sale of Items goes towards Sacred Acres Fund. ~ peace

Good Morning World

If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. It it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. 

Elwyn Brooks White

p.s. Peace

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Struggling Thoughts, Native Prayers and Poems

Struggling thoughts:
surrounded by such poisoning levels and degree(s) of negativism, self centeredness, greed, Apathy. It's never ending , barriers are weak or non existent, I've no stamina or strength to reinforce them. wanting to create psychic icepicks to stab into peoples brains, is bad for my karma. I walk amongst the Warm sunshine gleaming through the soft pines, treading silently among them in and out of dappled shadows. The scent of fallen pine needles blankets the earth creating a cushion of a silent barrier, sitting silently amongst the trees, bare feet feeling the energy of the earth. Not to far away down the path is a stream of clean of water. Waste deep I am submerged seven times, washing away the worries of each day of the seven days. Standing in the glow of the sun, feeling he heat evaporate the moisture off my skin, taking the negativity with it. warming me, healing rays of light and envelope me. Turning first North, then East, then South, finally West , I offer the sacred smoke of sage and cedar to my brothers. I ask for guidance of the my spirit brothers, to make me stronger, wiser more compassionate, calm. To defeat my greatest enemy, myself. I ask for the strength of courage to make it through one more day.
At the time of death,
When I found there was to be death,
I was very much surprised.
All was failing.
My home, I was sad to leave it.

I have been looking far,
Sending my spirit north, south, east, and west.
Trying to escape death,
But could find nothing,
No way of escape.
~ Luiseno Song

Friday, December 9, 2011

New Rune Sets, Projects and Updates

Some new bone Rune Sets coming soon. Deer Toe Necklaces, Hemp Bracelets, and Dream Catchers also in the works. Messing around with the idea of creating a Rune Set based on Sun Bears Medicine Wheel. Using the Animal Totems instead of the typical Futhark Runes. I believe it has potential.

   Still on the search for potential land sites. I have found a couple that have a lot of potential and are (relatively) affordable. Donations are now up to $20+. One day at a time. Slow and steady. All the money I make from the sale of artwork, paintings, things I make are going towards this project.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Cheer

How to makea Small Shrine or Home Altar

Having a small shrine or altar in your home allows you to focus your spiritual energy, meditate or pray, and communicate with the higher forces. A personal shrine is useful for people of all religions, and serves as a reminder and reassurance to the devout. Shrines are also constructed for holidays, like the Mexican holiday of Dia de los Muertos, to honor deceased family members. A wooden shrine is a classy and conversation-starting element to a home, and you can construct one with some basic materials.

Things You'll Need
    Small table
    4 butterfly hinges
    Paint or stain (matching the table)
    Shadow box (optional)
    Sacred objects of your choice


  1. Cut a sheet of plywood into three equal-sized panels; these will form the backdrop of your shrine. Paint or stain the plywood so that it matches a small table of your choice. Let dry completely according to the instructions on the paint. 
  2. Screw four butterfly hinges onto the plywood panels to allow them to open outward; you're aiming for a finished shape like a child's science fair backdrop. Two hinges on each side of the center panel will add stability to the piece. Set the finished backdrop on the back of your shrine.
  3. Decorate your shrine with sacred objects. Flowers, candles and incense are common to many religions, as are offerings to the gods. If your shrine is meant to honor a specific person or deity, center an image of them in the shrine to focus your spiritual energy.

For more info:

Land _ Out of curiousity I keep Looking

   Because ONE day this will be reality. I Occasionally do searches of various loacations for lands/acreage that is undeveloped and relatively affordable as far as land goes. I found this place and it really intriques me, it is in South Central Pennsylvania.

It is described as such :"Secluded hunting camp in Southern Bedford County just north of the Mason Dixon Line. Consisting of a private 8.76 acres and a 16X16 primitive hunting cabin and 2 shed. Great place for rugged weekend getaways."

New Dream Catcher

Newest Drean Catcher for sake $10

Approximately 5" Cedar diameter  Yellow and black glass beads, Yellow Feathers, cedar, Rosemary and Mint bundle. Total Length about 10".

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pagan Acres Sacred Grove & Labyrinth

Sacred Acres Pagan Grove and Labyrinth is not yet a reality. 

    It someday will be reality. A place where friends can come for reflection, prayer, healing, sacredness, a place to reconnect not only to ones self, but to nature and the sacredness of life no matter what path you follow in life. A place for and of Art and The Process of Creation and artistic endeavors. A place where dreams manifest and reveal themselves. A place like no other. Many ideas are in the works to make this dream a reality. 

   First off is finding the correct location and the funding to purchase land. Donations are being accepted, and any amount you would be willing to donate would be immensely appreciated. Connect with me on Facebook if you like, A Paypal account or some sort of account will be set up for donations. In the meanwhile I can also be reached at 

   Many of the ideas are as such time preliminary, there will be a sacred grove, a labyrinth/maze for meditation, memorial trees, workshops and seminars. Camping, Weddings, Handfasting Ceremonies, Pagan Festivals and ceremonies. Gardens, horticulture, the preservation of nature are and is of great importance, self sustainability with as little impact on nature and the environment as possible by using solar, wind and other forms of energy. Reclaiming, Reusing, Recycling, Reducing. Less is More.

Woodland dreams of intuition come with the graceful deer.
I greet you, brothers of the forest.
Your gift of magic will brighten my life.
Transformation will come to me.
Like you, I stand listening to the drum beat of life,
Poised to follow my guiding spirits.

Rune Sets

This is a set of Runes I made from some deer bone ribs that I found while out on a walk at a local nature park. I've never been very good at reading or casting stones but it is something I have always wanted to learn. Even if I am not very proficient at interpreting a casting, I am learning the meanings of the Runes and learning to apply a Rune a Day drawing to my daily life.

I ask myself everyday.. "What can I do today to make my Life Magickal ?"