
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hebe The Flower Of Youth

Hebe the flower of youth

Origin: Greece

Hebes is the beautiful daughter of Hera and Zeus. Hebe is the goddess of youth and beauty. She attends her mother Hera and Aphrodite. Hebe was  given in marriage to Heracles after he was deified and raised to Mount Olympus.

Hebe served as sacred cup bearer for the dpirits of Mount Olympus serving nectar and ambrosia. Hebe is petitioned for blessings of rejuvenation. Hebe is usually depicted wearing a sleeveless dress. Hebe was also worshiped as a goddess of pardons or forgiveness; freed prisoners would hang their chains in the sacred grove of her sanctuary at Phlius

Favored: Young Brides
Time: Spring
Offerings: Spring flowers, candles, perfumes and incense, cosmetics, and ornaments befitting a young girl.