
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Yes/No Diving Stones

Divining Stones:

This is a simple to make and  use. To obtain yes or no answers to yes or no questions. A basic, easy fun for of divination.

Obtain three stones. a YES stone, One of a bright color (white) . Another, a NO stone, of a dark color (black), a third stone (the Indicator) should be unusually colored so that it can be easily differentiated from the others. ( I use a red stone).

When you need an answer to a yes/no question, roll the stones in your hands like dice, mentally asking your question, blow on them, whisper to them the question, whatever it is you "feel" you need to do then throw them onto a flat surface, preferably on the ground. A table will do.

When the stones have stopped, determine the answer by their positions. If the "yes" or white stone is closer to the indicator, that is the answer. If the "No" or black stone is closer tot he indicator then that is the answer. If the stones are equally apart there is no answer. Try again by rephrasing or asking a different question or try again at a later time. Your choice. Sometimes you just know when to wait until a better time. Or better yet, roll the stones and ask if you should try again. It's lots of fun !

The stones should be kept in a small bag of their own in a protected place and used for no other purposes.

I occasionally leave mine out to "charge" them in the sunshine or out at night when there is a Full Moon.
